
A - Reference

Provide a reference
Ex: 4116 S 4 T 30 F W D C 10

Observe the spaces


B - Order already placed

You can start from an existing order

Your order history

C - Configure a reference

Enter the pin reference, or complete the 6-step configurator below

1 - Reference unit
2 - Select a category
Detent Single acting Double acting
3 - Material

Choose material

4 - Dimensions

Nominal diameter mm inch

Grip length 1/10 inch

Standard length after grip 1/10 inch

Extra lengthIn addition to the standard length 1/10 inch

5 - Options

Balls (delivered with a set of 2 balls)

Rings (delivered with 2 rings)


6 - AOG Emergency

AOG EmergencyTick the box if this order is an AOG Emergency


Configuration result :

Stainless steel pin
Ref. Display the technical data sheet
Unit price exclusive of tax: x Add to cart

Volume discount :