Provide a referenceEx: 4116 S 4 T 30 F W D C 10
Your order history
Handle R
Handle S
Handle B
Handle L
Handle T
Choose material C : Tempered stainless S : Untempered stainless ST : Steel
Nominal diameter (Diameter) 678910111213141516171819202122232425 mm (Diameter) 3/161/45/163/87/161/29/165/811/163/413/167/815/161 inch
Grip length 1/10 inch
Standard length after grip 1/10 inch
Extra lengthIn addition to the standard length 1/10 inch
Balls (delivered with a set of 2 balls) 4 balls
Rings (delivered with 2 rings) Without a second ring
AOG EmergencyTick the box if this order is an AOG Emergency